Welcome to Our Parish Community

Our Namesake - Our Lady of Hope

In 1871 Mary appeared to children in Pontmain, France, which was facing invasion of war at the time. Mary encouraged the people to pray and have hope. The war ended the next day and did not reach the village. Since then, Mary under the title of Our Lady of Hope, has been associated with this apparition.

Our Lady of Hope Parish

16 West 5th Ave N.

Aurora, MN 55705

Mass Schedule

Weekend Masses


4:30 p.m.


8:30 a.m.

10:30 a.m.

Weekday Masses

Beginning July 15th

Monday and Friday
9:00 a.m.


Confession takes place half an hour prior to the start of the weekend Masses


By Appointment

Adoration and Benediction


10:00-11:00 am


From Father Kristoffer

Praised be Jesus Christ; now and forever! Our Lady of Hope Catholic Parish is here to walk with you on the path of faith and life in Jesus. Through a continued conversion of life, we seek to support and uplift one another as we strive to follow the Lord with our lives. In a world that seems to have gone mad, the Lord calls us to be His instruments of light and peace and to bring the Healing, Hope, and Joy that only He can give to every corner of the world. 

Upcoming Events

Children's Liturgy of the Word

A Children's Liturgy of the Word is included in the 10:30 Sunday Mass

Water Carnival is Coming!

Please join us at the Hoyt Lakes Water Carnival for a burger or hotdog. We will be in the booth by the ballfield. Proceeds benefit our youth program.

We Need Ushers

Please contact the office if you would like to volunteer.

Religious Education

Religious Education will begin again in the Fall. We hope to see you then!

Children's Liturgy of the Word

A Children's Liturgy of the Word is included in the 10:30 Sunday Mass

Water Carnival is Coming!

Please join us at the Hoyt Lakes Water Carnival for a burger or hotdog. We will be in the booth by the ballfield. Proceeds benefit our youth program.

Pray for Life

Pope Francis has said that respect for life is not just about the unborn child in the womb, but also about the least of our brothers and sisters. Yes, it is even upon the undocumented resident alien who has no voice but ours. As followers of Jesus Christ, we are all called to protect the voiceless.

Good and gracious God,

you blew into our nostrils the breath of life.

You are the One to whom we owe our very existence.

Give us the courage to take that unpopular position

of protecting those who have no voice,

the unborn child in the womb

to the person taking his or her last breath.

The life you have given us is a gift beyond measure.

Embolden us to speak the truth

about protecting the child, the elderly,

and the one without a voice in the public square.

With thankful hearts,

we ask all this of the One God,

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


Promise to Protect, Pledge to Heal

If people are to worship, study or celebrate together in the Catholic Community, they must do so in a safe environment. In their Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, the United States Catholic Bishops...

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Enjoy the Convenience of Electronic Giving

Our Lady of Hope Parish offers electronic giving. No need to write checks and prepare envelopes every week! It is convenient for you and provides much needed donation consistency for our parish. To sign up, email Deb at businessmanager.olhp@gmail.com. Once we have your email address in our system you will then be able to login and set up your account.

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